Chiropractic care for children is a safe, gentle, and effective way to help children develop to their fullest potential.
Chiropractic Care for Infants
Rest assured that chiropractic adjustments to your newborn uses no more pressure than you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato. Doctor’s of chiropractic specializing in pediatrics use only gentle and safe techniques when adjusting children. On the very young the adjustment is as light as a finger touch.
Since significant spinal trauma can occur at, or prior to birth, many parents elect to have their newborn’s spine checked right after birth. As the infant grows, learning to hold up the head, sit, crawl and walk are all activities that affect spinal alignment and are important times to have a child checked by a Doctor of Chiropractic.
These are some signs which can indicate spinal problems in infants:
Excessive fussiness
Disturbed sleeping patterns
Breastfeeding difficulties in the very young
Restricted head or neck movement to one side
Including chiropractic care for your newborn may very well be one of the most important choices you make in support of the family wellness lifestyle.
“The principles of chiropractic should be known and utilized in the growth of the infant and continue as a safeguard throughout life.” – D.D. Palmer, Founder of Chiropractic
For more information on the safety of Chiropractic care for children, please visit the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s website:
Chiropractic Care for Kids
Chiropractors have been caring for children for more than 100 years. More and more parents – especially those who are already chiropractic patients themselves – are seeking chiropractic care for children. Chiropractic care is “tailored” to the individual and their particular spine, and children are no exception. We offer specific, gentle adjustments appropriate to the infant and child’s spine and cranium.
Chiropractic care for children is a safe, gentle, and effective way to help children develop to their fullest potential. A child encounters many physical stresses during their growing years. The resulting problems in the children’s spines can occur at almost any point in their development and growth. Falls, sports injuries, playground bumps, heavy school bags, and sitting all day in the classroom are all physical stresses to the growing child’s spine and nervous system. A chiropractic adjustment after these stresses can optimize your child’s function and development.
Chiropractic’s focus on the spine and nervous system is important for children, since it is their nervous system which controls their entire growth and development. Regular chiropractic checkups can identify spinal dysfunction in children and specific gentle adjustments may help to enhance future function and well-being. It is never too early to have your children checked by your family chiropractor. Your doctor of chiropractic is trained to detect and correct spinal misalignments as soon as they happen, giving your child the maximum potential for healing and repair.
These are some signs which can indicate spinal problems in children:
Chronic ear infections
Difficulty with concentration
Disturbed sleeping patterns
Restricted head or neck movement to one side
For more information on the safety of Chiropractic care for children, please visit the
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s website: